2014-12-25 00:00:00Z
Author: Loading...
Basic title assign depends on amount of your contribution.
- "Homeless"
- "Farmer"
- "Merchant"
- "Knight"
- "Lord"
- Master of Coin. To the player with maximum amount of contribution.
- Lord Commander. Gets the Leader of "Mind" rating.
- Master of Laws. Gets the Leader of "Honor" rating.
- Master of Whisperers. Gets the Leader of "Charisma" rating.
- Maester. To the player who supported the project development.
- Archmaester. To the player who supported the project development permanently.
Function is available for players with "Farmer" title and higher!
Shows profiles status (Online/Offline). (You are always shown online if you have client running, even if you don't have any titles).
Function is available for players with "Farmer" title and higher!
Turns on option to change sound loudness, language selection, profile settings.
Function is available for players with "Merchant" title and higher!
Allows receiving notifications when player becomes online/offline, when hejoins or leaves a game and what place he took in a finished game.
Function is available for players with "Merchant" title and higher!
Lets you send invites with a text message. Only works with users running the notification system. Invite considered as a private message.
Function is available for players with "Knight" title and higher!
Blocks player's access to your games and alerts you when you join a game with a player in black list.
Function is available for players with "Knight" title or higher.
Mutes player's chat messages until client reboot. You can cancel it by clicking on it again.
Function is available for players with "Lord" title.
Adds availability to select the house you will bring to its victory! Other titles can only random house, when they join the game. You cannot change your house if you reconnect into the game.
Accessible for players with title "Lord".
Allows to play several games simultaneously, if you have enough experience (48 hours).